Happy new year!
2022 was a tremendous year for Sight is a Right. In partnership with Great Shape! Inc. iCARE, we were able to complete four successful missions – the most since Covid times. We served for the first time in the Yucatan and in Barbados, as well as conducting our usual two weeks of clinics in Jamaica. Our 125 volunteers treated nearly 8,500 patients in our clinics and several schools. We distributed 2,114 pairs of prescription glasses, 5,759 pairs of reading glassing, and 7,869 pairs of sunglasses. We also conducted 3,495 health screenings. The value of goods and services provided in 2022 alone is valued at over US$2.5 million.
It is humbling to witness our small teams of volunteers serve with so much commitment and selflessness, turning our vision of sight justice into a reality. Saving the vision of so many, who without our services and diagnosis were on the path to permanent blindness. There is nothing more beautiful and powerful than compassion in action. Everyone deserves vision!
We are looking forward to conducting four more clinics in 2023 in the West Indies and Latin America. Keep an eye on our Upcoming Missions page for new opportunities. In the words of Mahātmā Gandhi, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
As always, we welcome your continued support – both in service and financially. Sight is a Right is an incredibly efficient organization with an amazingly low overhead of less than 1.4%. This means 98.6 cents of every dollar goes directly to deliver goods and services to our patients. Sight is a Right has no paid personnel. Your donations are efficiently used to improve sight and prevent blindness throughout the world.
Love and blessings,
Steven Stern
President / Executive Director